The easy way to set up your Somfy remote control for motorised blinds.
Welcome to our simple guide to setting up your remote control for your motorised roller blinds, double roller blinds and linked blinds. You're going to love just how quick and easy it is to use your new Somfy control.
Before you get going
Your custom kit
OK it's time to start setting up,
let's take it step by step.
Setting up your remote is easy. Follow these steps, then kick back and enjoy your motorised blinds. Here's how to do it:
1 Wake up your blind motor
Press the pin hole button (Sonesse) or motor button (Altus) on the side of your roller blind to activate your motor. The blind should jog up and down. Remember your motor battery needs to be charged before you start.
For multiple roller blinds including double and linked blinds, add one blind at a time to your remote by following steps 1 to 10. Don't try to set them up simultaneously. Once you've added every blind to your remote, you can group them.
2 Pick your channel
For 5 channel remotes click the channel button at the bottom of your remote, to choose which channel will control your blind. The red light displays which channel you're on.
For 1 channel remotes, you can skip this step.
3 Assign your blind to the channel
Hold down the up and down buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds. Your blind will jog up and down, once your blind has been assigned to the channel.
Blinds won't jog? See 'I need some extra help' at bottom of page.
4 Check your roll direction
Press either the up or down button on your remote and check that your blinds roll in the right direction.
If your roll direction is wrong, hold down the my button for 2 seconds and your blinds will jog up and down. Check again and your blinds should roll in the right direction now.
5 Set your blind's upper limit (part A)
Press the up button until your blind rolls all the way up, to where you’d like the upper limit. If you go slightly too far, just press the down button to nudge your blind down.
6 Set your blind's upper limit (part B)
Hold down the my and down buttons simultaneously and your blind will start to run downwards automatically, then release the buttons and press the my button to stop the blind before it reaches the bottom.
7 Set your blind's lower limit (part A)
Press the down button until your blind rolls all the way down, to where you’d like the lower limit. Remember if you go slightly too far, just press the up button to nudge your blind back up.
8 Set your blind's lower limit (part B)
Hold down the my and up buttons simultaneously and your blind will run all the way up to your upper limit.
9 Confirm your end limits
Hold down the my button for 2 seconds until the blind jogs. The control now has your upper and lower limits memorised.
10 Finish your remote set up
Grab a paperclip or pin and press the program button on the back of the remote for less than a second, which will make your blinds jog.
If your blind doesn't jog, try again by only tapping the button (pressing and holding the program button won't be successful). Ensure the blind jogs to complete setup.
You're all set to start using your Somfy remote! Use the up and down buttons to control your blind and the my button to stop your blind moving.
To set up your remote for multiple blinds including double and linked blinds, remember to follow steps 1 to 10 for each additional blind motor, one by one. Then group them by following the steps in the Grouping your blinds tab of this guide.

Congrats, you did it! Before you kick back and admire a job well done, don’t forget to snap some photos and share your look with us. And tag us on Instagram to really make our day.
I need some extra help
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